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Privacy Policy

The Parish of Christ The King in Alfreton and St. Patrick & St. Bridget in Clay Cross is a part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham (the “Diocese”), Charity No. 1134449.  For the purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/279 (GDPR), the Diocese, through its Trustees, is the official Data Controller in respect of your personal data held by the Parish.


The Parish – and the Diocese – are committed to ensuring that the information we hold about parishioners and others is properly and securely managed in accordance with legal requirements on data protection and direct marketing.


Website Users


This parish website is hosted by Ionos, which collects statistical data about users but which does not allow individual users to be identified. Links to other websites are provided as a service, but the Parish has no control over or responsibility for these external websites, nor over how these websites might use any data that users choose to submit to them.


Parishioners and Visitors


Parishioners and visitors to the parish may give personal data when, for example:

– filling in the newsletter subscription form;

– filling in the Contact Us form;

– filling in a parish census form;

– taking part in Sacraments or rituals such as marriage or baptism;

– volunteering for a role in the parish; or

– making donations to the parish, including through the GiftAid scheme.


Such data is held securely, is used only for the purpose for which it is given, is not shared with third parties except in strictly limited circumstances, and is held no longer than necessary. Full details are in the Diocese’s Privacy Statement.


Privacy Statement – in full and in brief


The Diocese has produced a Privacy Statement outlining what personal data it (including its parishes) collects, how it is stored and used and on what legal basis, as well as contact details for the Diocesan Data Protection Officer.

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